who is sadia harper?

who is sadia harper?

Good question.

I'm one of those "left-brain + right brain" people you hear about. From studying math and film in undergrad to getting a dual MBA and MFA, I like to explore things through both an systematic and artistic lens — and design is the space where I've loved applying that duality.

My relationship with design started as a store designer for Crate & Barrel — designing showrooms and window displays while taking into account corporate objectives, inventory levels, and customer trends. When I shifted to the digital space, I started on the creative side. As one of the first "Coolhunters" at YouTube I found undiscovered content and creators and brought them to the forefront of the homepage. (You clicked on The Atlantic article right?) And I've balanced my trend finding instincts with UX research - utilizing data gathering and pattern finding tools and techniques.

Ultimately, my career has focused on exploring and defining the relationship between people and products, and honing in on the unique relationships between media creators, their content, and their audience.

It’s been a great ride…and it’s only getting better.

how i work

My interaction design and business background allows me to have a holistic view of product and brand strategy. I work closely with product, marketing, sales, BD, and operations teams to understand the big picture needs and implementation requirements of establishing a new strategy. 

I deliver observations, insights, vision, and strategy that not only enable creative teams to deliver a unified, cohesive, and memorable customer experience, but also deliver on key business goals and objectives of the larger organization. 

Collaboration and communication are core to my process. I strive to work with smart, creative people that value an open exchange of knowledge, perspective, and ideas and teams that recognize the importance of gaining understanding and alignment inside and outside of the organization. 

what’s next?

After primarily concentrating on tech companies, I’ve expanded my strategy practice to support organizations with wider range of strategy needs — including, but not limited to, physical products, environmental experiences, and cross-industry services.

Once space in particular is music (where I’ve been doing some additional experience design in my free time.) I want to support musicians in creating digital, physical, and spatial experiences that enable their fans to connect with them, and their music, deeper level.

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