Content and Creators @ YouTube

As one of YouTube’s earliest employees, I was one of the first content editors or “coolhunters*” - tasked to discover trendsetting content and featuring it on the homepage. I found up-and-coming artists and spotlighted undiscovered content on the homepage - giving early global exposure to artists like Donald Glover and Peter, Bjorn, and John.

As YouTube's HowTo & Style manager, I found new creators in the lifestyle space and connected them with brands - establishing early branded content programs with creators who went on to be industry powerhouses like director Jon M Chu.

Later, when working at Sterling brands with YouTube as a client, I talked to over 100 creators across the globe to help the company gain an in-depth an understanding of their global creator community and their evolving landscape.

*for a glimpse into my early days at YouTube as a “coolhunter”, you can read this piece in The Atlantic

